We realise the importance of having great quality print, which is why we’ve created a handful of resources to help get your artwork print-ready. We want to ensure that preparing for print is as smooth and stress-free as possible.
Once you have placed your order you can upload your print ready artwork. Supply as a CMYK PDF with all fonts outlined or embedded and with a resolution of 300dpi. Please allow 3mm bleed on all sides, with cut marks. Below is a step by step guide to checking your artwork. We have free templates for every product we print. Contact us for artwork templates for your product if you are designing your own artwork to ensure correct size, safe area and bleed is used. These templates ensure your design is the correct size and proportion. Simply remove them from your artwork before sending to us for printing. If you have ordered our design service please email your brief or call us. Your brief will be given to a member of our design team, who will contact you either by phone or email.
Artwork Set-Ups
While it’s true that we can print from a wide range of file types, we recommend you use the following specs for the best possible result:
Small Format Set-Up requirements
Format: JPEG or PDF
Colour: Four Colour Process (CMYK)
Bleed: 3mm
Safe Zone: 3mm
Resolution: 300dpi
Fonts: Outlined or Embedded
Wide Format Set-Up Requirements
Format: JPEG or PDF
Colour: Four Colour Process (CMYK)
Bleed: 3mm
Safe Zone: 3mm
Resolution: 150dpi
Fonts: Outlined or Embedded
PVC Banner Set-Up Requirements
Format: JPEG or PDF
Colour: Four Colour Process (CMYK)
Bleed: 10mm
Safe Zone: 36mm (Accounting for Hemming & Eyelets)
Resolution: 75-150dpi
Fonts: Outlined or Embedded
This takes you to We Transfer, a free upload service for up to 2GB
Email to : info@angeldesignandprint.com
Please put your ORDER NUMBER in the Message box
along with any other relevant comments.
We offer three different Artwork Services:
Just Print is our free option where your print ready PDF will be printed as supplied. We recommend this service only to individuals who fully understand our print ready requirements, who are completely confident that their PDF files have been supplied correctly.
File Check is a safety net option, where the print ready files are double checked by our Pre Press team before being sent for printing. Prices start at £5.00 + VAT. You can also order a PDF Proof for an additional £8 + VAT.
File Assist turns any finished design into a print ready PDF and includes a PDF Proof. Prices start at £25 + VAT
What is included in your Just Print Artwork Service
Just Print is our free artwork service, where we will "Just Print" your print ready PDF, as supplied.
Please note: We only accept print-ready PDF files with this service. If you have any other file format, you will need to select File Check or File Assist.
We recommend this service only to individuals who fully understand our print ready requirements. Before using this service, you should be confident that your PDF files have been supplied correctly, otherwise please select our File Check or File Assist service. Please refer to our Artwork Service Comparison Chart to see what is included in each service.
The following terms apply when using the Just Print service:
Your job will be processed through our automated system and rejected only if we are unable to print your file.
Files must be PDF/x-1a format.
We will not carry out any pre-flight or quality checks on your document as these will already have been carried out by yourself prior to submitting the file.
You will not receive a proof.
Booklets and folders are particularly complex and are generally higher value items, therefore we strongly recommend File Check on these products.
When using this service to order booklets, artwork should be supplied as one multi-page PDF containing single pages in the correct order.
We will fix these errors within your file:
Convert RGB to CMYK
Convert spot colour to CMYK
Missing bleed
Ink coverage over 340%
Overprints set on colours other than black
Proportionately scale
We will notify you of a file rejection if your file contains any of these errors:
Corrupt PDF
Un-embedded fonts
Password protected
Sizes that are disproportionate
Incorrect number of files
Please refer to our Artwork Service Comparison Chart to see what is included in each of our artwork services.
What is included in your File Check Artwork Service?
File Check offers a safety net of a double check on your print ready file before proceeding to print.
We will accept a Print Ready PDF, as well as Print Ready EPS, TIF or JPG files. We will assume your file has been designed and prepared correctly, adhering to our Print Ready requirements, and you can also choose to receive a proof for an additional fee.
We will automatically fix these errors within your file:
Convert JPG, TIF or EPS to PDF
Convert RGB to CMYK
Convert spot colour to CMYK
Overprints set on colours other than black
Ink coverage over 340%
Missing bleed
We will warn you if your file contains any of these errors:
Text / objects too close to the edge of the page
Low resolution images
Impure blacks
Incorrect panel sizes on folded jobs
Issues with the form cutter guide lining up with your artwork
No allowance for creep within your booklet
We will reject your file if it contains any of these errors:
Corrupt file
Un-embedded fonts
Password protected
Sizes that are disproportionate
Missing elements from the file
Incorrect number of files
Prices start at £8.00 + VAT.
Please refer to our Artwork Service Comparison Chart to see what is included in each of our artwork services.
What is included in your File Assist Artwork Service?
File Assist turns any finished design into a Print Ready PDF and includes a PDF proof.
We will accept artwork files from the Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign), Corel Draw or Microsoft Office (Word, Publisher and Powerpoint). We will convert your design file into a Print Ready PDF and provide up to 2 proofs to ensure you are happy with the job before it goes to print.
We will fix these errors within your file:
Convert your file to a print ready PDF
Convert RGB to CMYK
Convert spot colour to CMYK
Proportionately scale
Ink coverage over 340%
Missing bleed
Overprints accidentally set on colours other than black
We will warn you if your file contains any of these errors:
Text / objects too close to the edge
Low resolution images
Impure blacks
No allowance for creep within your booklet
Incorrect panel sizes on folded jobs
Issues with the form cutter guide lining up with your artwork
We will reject your file if it contains any of these errors:
Corrupt File
Password protected
Sizes that are disproportionate
Missing elements from your file
Missing pages from your file
Incorrect number of files
Prices start at £25 + VAT.
Please refer to our Artwork Service Comparison Chart to see what is included in each of our artwork services.